Choose EASYPRINT thermal transfer printers for digital coding onto your flexible packages, films and labels
Compact 32d
The EASYPRINT Compact 32d TTO coder for highly efficient thermal transfer overprinting on flexible packaging – versatile, affordable, and easy to install. An ideal entry level printer to replace your hot stamp and roller contact coders or your older thermal transfer printers.
Compact 32C & 53C
Offering versatile performance and low cost of ownership, the EASYPRINT COMPACT 32c and 53 are the perfect replacement coding solution for labels and flexible films, ideal for replacing existing TTO equipment, and flexible enough to be suitable for a wide range of applications.
Communicator II
The EASYPRINT Communicator is a high-speed thermal transfer printer. Designed for increased reliability and optimised manufacturing output, Communicator offers a reduced Total Cost of Ownership compared to any other comparable thermal transfer printer as a result of a mechanical design that enables ribbon capacities of 1600 metres.